We were recently contacted by a large manufacturer of household cleaning products. They wanted to boost local sales of one of their products in specific Walmarts in the Phoenix area.
We suggested distribution of a small sample of their product along with a postcard coupon, inside a clear door knob bag.
They gave us an order to distribute 35,000 bags. It took us three weeks to print the coupons, get the bags, get the samples, stuff the samples and coupons into the bags and distribute them to specific neighborhoods. We completed the job five week ago.
Last week, a month after distribution, our customer called to tell us that they were very happy with the results of the campaign and wanted to do it again. This time they ordered 130,000. We are in the process of getting the coupons printed and will be distributing the bags soon.
If you have a sample of one of your products that you would like distributed, anywhere in the US, call us.
